Friday, October 5, 2012

October 5th: Random Act of Kindness

Today doing my Random Act of Kindness stressed me out a little, Im not gonna lie LOL

I had to go to two different parking lots before I felt "right".
And it was perfect, no one was around, then I got out of the car and like 5 people walked out of the grocery store into the parking lot.  DOH!

I grabbed my item, and put it on the windshield of the car parked next to me.

I hope you 
Have a great day!

I went inside Ralphs to get Friday breakfast for work... Came out and the car was gone, as well as my treat.


  1. :) I can understand why this one made you nervous, would make me as well. but yay you did it!! :)

    1. Yeah I think it was more about not wanting to be seen doing it, because I didnt want anyone to get mad or whatever, LOL You know, people get weird ;) But I was glad to come out and see the car gone and not see it on the ground or anything... ha ha. I have a few more like that, that are going to give me anxiety but its ok - its all nice stuff so I should just relax. Theres one BIG thing (BIG in size) that I want to drop off at a house of someone I dont know at all, so that one is stressing me out as well, like how am I going to do that, and when, without them knowing Im doing it... OY HA HA HA! I am thinking of driving past on my way to work one morning and checking out if they are around... and if not, doing it then. I dunno. Ack! One involves something just like this but SIX of them, so I am thinking of going to the swap meet and putting them on cars as I walk through the parking lot to the entrance.
