Sunday, October 26, 2014

Kernels of Kindness: Local Fire Station

As we were driving to the fire station yesterday, an engine left with its lights and siren going...
And my friend and I looked at each other, and just laughed.

It seems a lot of times when we are headed to a fire house to do a RAOK, they leave on a call. We got lucky yesterday and the garage was still open, and there were some firemen outside.  I prefer that, I dont like to ring the doorbell and disturb them, so it worked out perfectly.

One fireman was cleaning the tires on one of the fire engines, so I just sort of stuck my head in, I didnt want to walk into the garage, and said I just wanted to thank you for all you do... and I left the little goodie bag with some fire related candies, firemen rubber duckies, a $25 Starbucks gift card and a note saying Thank You for all you do and went on my way.  :)


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