Sunday, October 26, 2014

Kernels of Kindness: Hoag Hospital Irvine - Emergency Room

I asked around a few months ago for some recommendations of great local nurses, that really make a difference.

I was given the name of a nurse at Hoag Hospital Irvine, named Nikki, and the whole ER Department.

I stopped by yesterday with a cookie tray for the ER department and a little Thank You for Nikki that included a note thanking her for making a difference, some nurse rubber duckies, a Hero in Scrubs pin, Nurses water tumbler and a $25 Starbucks gift card.

The ER was actually empty when we arrived, which I have never seen in an ER anywhere.  As we were walking up, there was a cab waiting outside, and I said, how sad would it be to have to take a cab to or from the hospital.  A male nurse walked out with a patient, who was leaving in the cab.  It actually made me feel really sad.  I just cant imagine.

When I told him the cookies were for the ER just to say thanks, and the bag was for Nikki, he said oh let me go get her!  My heart started racing, because I like to just leave my RAOKs and go, I prefer to be anonymous most of the time...
Another nurse came out and stated she was in a meeting, and I said no problem, and I explained that she didnt know me anyway, and this was just a thank you for everything they do, and I was on my way :)


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