Tuesday, August 25, 2015

2,015 RAOKs in 2015: #1249 - #1511

#1249 - #1253:
Donated 5 RAOKs to Tiffany

I made a $1 donation for a back to school fundraiser at Taco Bell 

Donated 10 RAOKs to Tiffany and Chase

#1256 - #1316:
Handed these out at work and elsewhere.
Everyone loves an extra payday!  :) 

Bought a gift card for a homeless woman outside Big Lots over the weekend. 
She refused it...

#1318 - #1369:
Bought Oatmeal for the office

#1370 - #1411:
Bought Cookies for the office

Bought licorice for the office

I lent a necklace to a friend, that she really liked, so I told her to keep it. 

Gave a friends cat some treats. 

#1415 - #1452:
Donated items to The Jewelry Box of Lake Forest for their Mothers Dsy gift bag collection. 

#1453 - #1506:
Brought in treats for my coworkers 

#1507 - #1511:
There was construction next to the anima hospital and it was so loud. I went and bought some toys to maybe help calm them down. 

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