Sunday, September 29, 2013

21 Day Kindness Challenge: Day 19

Day 19:  Choose your own kindness adventure

This may seem silly, but I went on an adventure today that I had no interest in.  My mentee wanted to go The Bodies Museum in Buena Park.  I dont like museums and I just had no desire to go here. 
I thought about asking if she would rather do anything else...
But really, its not about me - its about her - and making sure she has a good time... so I got over myself, and I took her.
We were in and out of the museum in less than an hour and it really was not too bad.  She got to see something she really wanted to see, and I didnt have a horrible time :)

There is no small act of kindness. Every compassionate act makes large the world. -- Mary Anne Radmacher 

Day 19: Choose Your Own Kindness Adventure!

The Idea: Today is a blank slate that awaits your compassion and creativity! Look around you and imagine all the different things you can do to put a smile on someone's face and a song in their hearts. Remember that you are here on this planet in an utterly unique set of circumstances. There is no one else exactly like you in this here and now. What you choose to do with your time and energy makes a special difference that only YOU can make. So go out and share your gifts today in any way that calls out to you. If you want to step it up, do an act of kindness that you have secretly been wanting to do, but have been too shy, embarrassed or anxious to carry out before. Remember -- it's never too late to be kind! 

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