Sunday, September 22, 2013

21 Day Kindness Challenge: Day 11

Day 10:  Pay Forward a Kindness Received

One of my favorite things to do:  Pay for the person behind me in line.

I do have to tell you - it was done to me once, at a McDonalds years ago... and it humbled me to the point where I cried, and couldnt even eat my lunch - lol.

One can never pay in gratitude: one can only pay 'in kind' somewhere else in life. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh 

Day 11: Pay-Forward A Kindness Received

The Idea: Our lives rest on the quiet, unconditional kindness of so many people. We don't always stop to acknowledge this fact in the whirlwind of daily life. Today, think back to a particular act of kindness, big or small that touched you. Part of today's challenge lies in the simple act of surfacing that moment in your consciousness. Now, think of a way to pay-forward that act, either by doing the same thing for someone else -- or a different kind act of your choosing done with the same unconditional spirit. To step-it-up, after you pay-it-forward, send your gratitude in verbal, written or silent form to the person whose kindness touched you. 

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