Day 30: Wish Second Harvest Food Bank a Happy 30th Anniversary in October!
Monday, September 30, 2013
21 Day Kindness Challenge: Day 20
Day 20: Give back to the earth
I have not had a single bottle of water today :)
I have filled up my glass, and drank my water that way.
Sunday, September 29, 2013
30 Ways in 30 Days: Day 29
Day29: Make a financial contribution to Second Harvest Food Bank and spread the word!
21 Day Kindness Challenge: Day 19
Day 19: Choose your own kindness adventure
This may seem silly, but I went on an adventure today that I had no interest in. My mentee wanted to go The Bodies Museum in Buena Park. I dont like museums and I just had no desire to go here.
I thought about asking if she would rather do anything else...
But really, its not about me - its about her - and making sure she has a good time... so I got over myself, and I took her.
We were in and out of the museum in less than an hour and it really was not too bad. She got to see something she really wanted to see, and I didnt have a horrible time :)
There is no small act of kindness. Every compassionate act makes large the world. -- Mary Anne Radmacher
Day 19: Choose Your Own Kindness Adventure!
The Idea: Today is a blank slate that awaits your compassion and creativity! Look around you and imagine all the different things you can do to put a smile on someone's face and a song in their hearts. Remember that you are here on this planet in an utterly unique set of circumstances. There is no one else exactly like you in this here and now. What you choose to do with your time and energy makes a special difference that only YOU can make. So go out and share your gifts today in any way that calls out to you. If you want to step it up, do an act of kindness that you have secretly been wanting to do, but have been too shy, embarrassed or anxious to carry out before. Remember -- it's never too late to be kind!
21 Day Kindness Challenge: Day 18
Day 18: Make time to listen to someone
I volunteered at an event at South Coast Plaza where I sat at a booth for Orangewood. Kids were able to come decorate bookmarks for free... and parents could take literature for Orangewood if interested.
I was planning to leave at 2, and at 1:55 a young boy came, with what I think was his grandfather... and I became a little annoyed. Once I realized he had some disabilities, I forced myself to relax. He stayed for about 20 minutes, and he made 2 bookmarks, and took a ton of extra pieces and put them all over his hat...
But the entire time he was there, he was talking to me... and I just listened, and helped him when he needed help... and whenever he was done, was when I packed up to leave. I had wanted to rush him through, and at first was slightly annoyed, but I stopped, realized I had nowhere to be, and just waited out, while he enjoyed himself and got some things off his chest.
The first duty of love is to listen. --Paul Tillich
Day 18: Make Time To Listen To Someone
The Idea: Each day we amass such a wealth of experience. Joy, sorrow, hope, wonder, fear, love, disappointment, inspiration ... there is so much that a single life contains, and sometimes the greatest gift we have to give -- is that of simply listening to each other. So today's challenge is to make time to listen to someone in your life. Focus on listening deeply, without judgment and with total presence, to whatever they have to share, whether it's about their current struggles, highest aspirations or whatever else may be bubbling to the surface in the moment. Because sometimes the humble act of listening can do more to serve than even the most well-intentioned advice. If you want to step-it-up, make a commitment to reach out to someone who you think could use a listening ear each week.
Friday, September 27, 2013
Thursday, September 26, 2013
21 Day Kindness Challenge: Day 16
Day 16: Spend 15 minutes in silence
By the time I get home tonight, I will 100% appreciate this and do it. And I will not head run. I will sit in pure silence inside and out and relax.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
21 Day Kindness Challenge: Day 15
Day 15: Make something with your hands
I have no problem with this one :)
I am in the middle of a bunch of projects....
Halloween treats for my coworkers, 40th Birthday treats for my party, Holiday treats for my coworkers and New Years treats. Ooooooh I better find a Thanksgiving treat! HA HA!
21 Day Kindness Challenge: Day 14
Day 14: Call a loved one
Unfortunately I did not do this.
I just.... I dont use the phone for phone calls. My bad.
Monday, September 23, 2013
21 Days of Kindness Challenge: Day 13
Day 13: Connect with a stranger.
Really, the only thing I can say I did that is remotely close to this, today... is I smiled at a stranger, and she literally did a double take at me, because I think she was surprised... And she gave me a huge smile back. It was awesome.
Unexpected kindness is the most powerful, least costly, and most underrated agent of human change. -- Bob Kerrey
Day 13: Connect With A Stranger
The Idea: Today's challenge involves going beyond your usual circles and engaging with someone you don't know very well. Maybe you will invite a new colleague to coffee or lunch, or make an effort to talk to someone at your school who seems lonely. Maybe you will strike up a conversation with the person next to you on the bus or the subway, or spend time connecting with someone who is on the street. The idea is to simply broaden your circle of caring in a small but heartfelt way. To step-it-up, actively send silent good wishes towards everyone who crosses your path and notice how this simple practice changes the quality of your day.
Sunday, September 22, 2013
21 Day Kindness Challenge: Day 12
Day 12: Donate Clothing or Household Goods
I am heading out soon to stop by the Goodwill Drop Off over here, with a bag of clothing :)
We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give. - Winston Churchill
Day 12: Donate Clothing Or Household Goods
The Idea: Stuff, despite our best intentions, often tends to accumulate. We sometimes end up with a closet or cupboard of wonderful things that we hardly, or never use. Things that could make a world of difference to someone else. Today is the day to go through that shelf or closet and pick out an item (or items) that you'd like to pay-forward to a family in need, or a shelter, thrift store or orphanage in your area. It's a wonderful feeling to give things a new lease of life in this way. To step-it-up host a clothing drive amongst your circle of friends and family. It spreads joy, reduces your imprint on the environment and has the added benefit of de-cluttering your space!
21 Day Kindness Challenge: Day 11
Day 10: Pay Forward a Kindness Received
One of my favorite things to do: Pay for the person behind me in line.
I do have to tell you - it was done to me once, at a McDonalds years ago... and it humbled me to the point where I cried, and couldnt even eat my lunch - lol.
One can never pay in gratitude: one can only pay 'in kind' somewhere else in life. - Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Day 11: Pay-Forward A Kindness Received
The Idea: Our lives rest on the quiet, unconditional kindness of so many people. We don't always stop to acknowledge this fact in the whirlwind of daily life. Today, think back to a particular act of kindness, big or small that touched you. Part of today's challenge lies in the simple act of surfacing that moment in your consciousness. Now, think of a way to pay-forward that act, either by doing the same thing for someone else -- or a different kind act of your choosing done with the same unconditional spirit. To step-it-up, after you pay-it-forward, send your gratitude in verbal, written or silent form to the person whose kindness touched you.
Friday, September 20, 2013
21 Day Kindness Challenge: Day 10
Day 10: Give away something you treasure.
This is going to be really hard for me.
I am trying to think of something that I truly treasure that I am able to give away.
There are so many things I treasure. But one I am able to part with...
I will work on this and update it later, and come back and share once I have made a decision :)
Thursday, September 19, 2013
21 Day Kindness Challenge: Day 9
Day 9: Surprise someone with flowers.
This will be easy for me. I was actually going to do this on my lunch break yesterday for someone... and I will be seeing that someone today, so it worked out perfect :)
I am going to give flowers to my trainer.
I have been working out with her for 7 months...
And she is incredibly supportive... pushes me on days I need to be pushed... eases up on days I need her to.... Takes me out on the "Angie Walk" on days I have Stage 5 meltdowns in her gym... and never, ever judges me or gets frustrated with me.
She truly is amazing.
Wednesday, September 18, 2013
21 Day Kindness Challenge: Day 8
Day 8: Give up complaining for a day.
I will do my best to take everything that I want to complain about, and turn it into a positive.
30 Ways in 30 Days: Day 18
Day 18: Share your SNAP Challenge Experience
I have not participated in this Challenge, I did not have the time.
30 Ways in 30 Days: Day 17
Day 17: Share a hunger fact with friends.
Summer Hunger
Summer should be fun, but for 1 in 5 children in Orange County it can be an unhappy time. Now that they are on vacation, many kids won't be receiving the free breakfast and lunches they get at school. And that means they may go hungry.
Monday, September 16, 2013
21 Day Kindness Challenge: Day 6
Day 6: Beautify Your Neighborhood
The Idea: Sometimes the smallest things can make the heart sing! Add a little touch of beauty to your community today. Perhaps you'll choose to post an inspiring message on a lamp post, or create vibrant chalk art on the sidewalk. Maybe you'll plant flowers in your front yard for passersby to enjoy, or rake leaves or mow the lawn for your neighbors. If you want to step-it-up throw a Trash Party! Bring friends and family together to pick up litter in a public park or community space. No matter what you choose to do, let today's act of kindness draw you into a deeper awareness of the quiet beauty in your own life.
While I didnt personally go out and pick up trash... I filed a complaint to the management company where I live... since someone has repeatedly left trash on the opening of the ledge on the stairwell leading to the floor I live on. A notice was sent around today, saying it will not be tolerated.
So in the long run, hopefully I have made this living space a little cleaner by drawing attention to the problem.
30 Ways in 30 Days: Day 16
Day 16: Start the SNAP Challenge, and eat on $5 a day.
It took me a long time to find this info on the website, and I just dont have the time or patience to read through it at this point...
But if you do, go for it :)
And let me know how it goes!
Sunday, September 15, 2013
30 Ways in 30 Days: Day 15
September 15: Donate a grocery store gift card to the food bank
I was not able to get to the food bank today - however, I have done this in the past as well, and will donate a Thanksgiving Dinner in November as well :)
30 Ways in 30 Days: Day 14
September 14: Volunteer at one of the partner agencies food distributions
I was unable to do this, but I have done it in the past and loved it.
A Letter a Day: Mission Failed.
I gave it my all, I really did.
It was just too much to get a letter a day out.
I hope the dozen or so I did get out, enjoyed receiving mail :)
21 Day Kindness Challenge: Day 5
Day 5: Share An Inspiring Story With Friends The Idea: The headline stories on TV and in the newspaper often focus on sensational, negative stories. But hidden from the spotlight, everyday people are making tremendous contributions towards the common good all over the world. Their stories and wisdom need to be heard. Pick an uplifting news story, video, passage or quote to share with friends and family. To step-it-up find five different stories that send your spirit soaring, and send each one to a different person in your life whom you think might benefit from it. And if you need ideas for stories visit or for a plethora of possibilities.
I can not get the speakers on my computer to work at home...
So I cant share specific stories, because... I cant hear them.
I added this page on Facebook, and they have some wonderful posts.
21 Day Kindness Challenge: Day 4
Day 4: Thank A Public Servant Today
The Idea: The daily whirl of our lives is supported by the steadfast contributions of so many unsung heroes. From the person who delivers your mail, and the one who collects your garbage, to the bus driver who gets you to school or work on time, and the police officers who help keep your neighborhood safe.Today is your chance to celebrate one of them! Make time to express your gratitude verbally. And if you want to step-it-up think of a small gift you can surprise them with and accompany it with a personalized Thank You card. Because everyone appreciates appreciation :)
I was out and about almost all day Saturday.... and I didnt see one police officer, fireman, I saw no one.
So, I put together a care package for the Adopt a Soldier I have in Afghanistan with a Thank You note :)
Friday, September 13, 2013
21 Days Kindness Challenge: Day 3
I dont really have one single favorite book....
But I do have plenty of books.
I will make a donation to the Rancho Santa Margarita Library store today :)
Thursday, September 12, 2013
A Letter A Day: September 12
Today, I sent a card to a good friend of mine, who I appreciate very much... and who is always there for me...
She listens when I need her to listen... She offers advice when I ask her for it... She never judges me... Im extremely thankful to have her in my life.
(I have a LOT going on in my blog this month... but it is all stuff that is important to me, so I am doing my best to post about each subject a few hours apart, so I dont overwhelm anyones page) :)
30 Ways in 30 Days: Days 1 - 12
Last year I did something similar to this, through Mercy House (The Homeless Shelter that sets up at The Armory in cold weather months). I am late to the game on this, as its the 12th of September... but better late than never. If one person does one thing on this list, it was worth sharing.
From the beginning until now:
September 1: Spread the word! Tell your friends and family to take action against hunger! (DONE)
September 2: Like Second Harvest Food Bank on Facebook (DONE)
September 3: Start or donate to a Virtual Food Drive
September 4: View poverty statistics for Orange County at:
September 5: GO ORANGE! Wear orange and go orange digitally
September 6: Change your Facebook profile picture orange
September 7: Organize a walk against hunger
September 8: Grandparents Day! Send a donation to our Brown Bag Program for Seniors
September 9: Write a letter to elected officials about hunger
September 10: Follow the Food Bank on Twitter
September 11: Volunteer at the food bank
September 12: Donate 30 nonperishable items to the food bank
From now until the end of the month:
September 13: Donate your status for hunger - Facebook
September 14: Volunteer at one of the partner agencies food distributions
September 15: Donate a grocery store gift card to the food bank
September 16: Start the SNAP Challenge - Eat on $5 a day
(Learn how at
September 17: Share a hunger fact with friends
September 18: Share your SNAP Challenge Experience
September 19: Take a tour of the Irvine facility at 3pm in Irvine
September 20: Fill out a paper plate to send to your local elected officials
September 21: Establish an ongoing donation to the Food Bank
September 22: First day of Autumn! Join mother nature by going orange!
September 23: Organize a neighborhood food drive and check for most needed items here:
September 24: Learn more about the mission at Nourishing Hope Tour RSVP 949-653-2900
September 25: Set an empty plate at your table as a reminder of hunger in OC
September 26: Save the date: Join the November 26th "No Lunch" Lunch event
September 27: Find and Like Feeding America on Facebook
September 28: Learn more about Legacy Society:
September 29: Make a financial contribution to Second Harvest Food Bank and spread the word!
21 Day Kindness Challenge: Day 2
Todays act of kindness:
Reconnect with an old pal
A couple months ago, I realized I hadnt heard from a pretty good friend in a few months... which was strange.
We had plans often, and for us to just not talk - was not normal.
I finally reached out to her, and just asked how she was doing...
And really, I was just hoping she wasnt mad at me.
In life I often have people that either love me, or hate me.
I dont think there is really much of a medium.
I blame this on my blunt, honest mouth.
And I am ok with it :)
I hear back from my friend...
And instantly I feel like the worst person in the entire universe.
She had a brain hemorrhage / stroke.
I went to visit her in the rehabilitation home she was in...
It was intense.
I walked in, not realizing I guess I was supposed to ring a bell...
The whole thing is still a mystery to me, but anyway...
There are rooms with hospital type beds and I find my way to a nurse... and tell her I am here to see a friend, what am I supposed to do. I look down to my left, and I think a triple take happened at this point.... my friend was next to me, in a wheelchair.
She had her head shaved, and a large scar in her hairline.
The visit was awkward, I think we were both nervous.
The smell was uncomfortable, the other patients were uncomfortable... and I only saw her in that rehabilitation center one time.
Since the visit, I have felt guilty, again, for not seeing her more.
How SELFISH of me.
But honestly, I had a hard time.
Then I started thinking how SHE felt.
I asked her if I was able to take her for a walk when I came back, etc. And I never went back.
She is now home, still recovering, and I have sent her a text - asking if I can come see her Sunday, and bring / have lunch with her.
I have no right having the fear I have and I need to suck it up and realize this is 0% about me, and I need to be there for a friend that I have clearly dropped the ball on being there for.
There are probably a ton of people I could have reached out to, today. But I felt this was the most important.
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
A Letter A Day: September 11
Today, I wanted to send a letter to my adopted soldier in Afghanistan, just saying Thank You for all he does, including fighting for my freedom.
I also included 12 extra Thank You notes for him to give to any soldiers he felt could use mail.
21 Day Kindness Challenge: Day 1
I joined this 21 Day Kindness Challenge, just in time.
It started today!
Day 1: Give someone a surprise treat.
I stopped at Starbucks this morning, because I heard yesterday the Pumpkin Spice Latte was back... how could I not stop?
I purchased a $5 gift card, and asked the barista to use it on the next person to come in. I was waiting for my drink, and a young gentleman walked up and asked me if I was the one who did the gift card. I just smiled, and said - ya know, random act of kindness ;)
He said that has never happened to him before, and just kept saying WOW. As I left, he thanked me again, and said God Bless You.
LOVE mornings that start like this!
A Letter a Day: September 10
A friends cousin recently joined the Army and is having a hard time.
I sent him a card with a little note - saying thanks - and to hang in there.
Monday, September 9, 2013
A Letter A Day: September 9
Today, I am doing a two-fer.
I am sending out an anonymous package to the parents of a 14 year old boy who lost his life a few weeks ago... due to medical conditions that Im not sure they fully even got to the bottom of.
(I was made aware of this family from a friend of mine, and I dont know 100% of the details)
I also posted this to this event:
I hope my package can somehow bring them even the smallest bit of comfort in this unbelievably hard time.
A Letter A Day: September 8
This is a boring picture....
But I wrote a note to my mentee, after a really important talk yesterday... Just to let her know I am proud of her, and here for her.
It was of course personal, so you just get the see what I sent it on :)
Saturday, September 7, 2013
A Letter A Day: September 7
I have an awesome friend in Canada....
And she is one of my few loyal blog followers...
Im going to hide this from her on Facebook in hopes of not ruining the surprise, I hope it works ;)
I have NO idea what I was going for on the card with the green stickers. None.
Thursday, September 5, 2013
A Letter A Day: September 5
I had great service yesterday, when I went to pick up my lunch at The Habit.
So, I decided to write to them and let them know :)
Wednesday, September 4, 2013
A Letter a Day: September 3
I didnt send this out yesterday, because today I made one for his twin brother, and I wanted them to go out at the same time :)
I didnt send this out yesterday, because today I made one for his twin brother, and I wanted them to go out at the same time :)
Monday, September 2, 2013
A Letter A Day: September 2
I met Tami, through my friend Amy on my last trip to Pennsylvania... a few years ago.
I loved her, and we all had a great time.
I hope to get out there again soon and catch up with both Amy and Tami.
Today, I made something for her son, Jackson.
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