RAOK 1 of 9:
Volunteered at Camp Pendleton cleaning barracks for over 1,400 soldiers returning from deployment.
RAOK 2 of 9:
I went to Old Navy to use a reward I had, and also had Super Cash. I gave the Super Cash to a woman shopping for clothes for her children.
RAOK 3 of 9:
Handed out three sunflowers in memory of Madison 9/10/16, which would have been her 25th birthday. I gave one to a volunteer at Mission Hospital, one to the front desk gal at an assisted living home, and one to the front desk gal at a hair salon - was trying to go to DaVita Dialysis but it didn't work out.
RAOK 4 of 9:
Made a donation at Walgreens for Children's Hospital in memory of Madison.
RAOK 5 of 9:
Handed out a few Starbucks gift cards on 9/11/16 on the San Clemente Pier in memory of those lost on 9/11/01
RAOK 6 of 9:
Donated fleece blankets to Olympiad Animal Hospital. When bandit had his surgery he had a blanket in his cage and I wanted to contribute to that.
RAOK 7 of 9:
Handed out two Starbucks gift cards to two police women on National Police Woman's Day and told them thank you.
RAOK 8 of 9:
Dropped off towels (Thank You Rachel) and fleece blankets to the animal shelter.
RAOK 9 of 9:
Sent a package of love to a friend who sadly had to say goodbye to her cat.
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