Tuesday, February 17, 2015

2,015 RAOKs in 2015: #298 - #314

Gave a RAOK to my Kohls cashier


My dad gave a RAOK to the hostess at Corkys

Left a RAOK for our waitress at Corkys

Gave a RAOK to another cashier at Kohls when I went back with my mom.

My dad saw a vet on the patio at Corkys, so he thanked him for his service (he had a hat on), and he thanked my dad as well, and my Dad gave him a RAOK.

Left a RAOK in the restroom at Kohls

Let a woman go in front of my car in a parking lot.

#305, #306, #307:
Gave RAOKs in the drive thru windows of McDonald's over the weekend. 

Let a woman cross in front of my car in a busy parking lot. 

#309 and #310:
Sent two more cards with stickers to Buddy Everson,  A Washington state boy who has autism, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, deafness and scoliosis.

Left a RAOK for the waitress at dinner.

Left a RAOK for the receptionist at my doctors office today.
She said no more co-pays ever  -  haha!

Left a RAOK for the nurse at the doctors today.

Left a RAOK in the restroom at Target.

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