Sunday, January 18, 2015

2,015 RAOKs in 2015... #1 - #25

In 2015, I have decided to do 2,015 Random Acts of Kindness.

I bought a drink for a gentleman in the Army and thanked him for his service.

I gave an old phone charger that I can no longer use to my mentee, as everyone in her foster home shares one charger.

I gave the girl who did my pedicure a little bigger tip than I usually would.

I held the door open this morning for someone

I gave a dozen t-shirts to my mentee that I do not wear, that she will get more use out of.

I gave my mentee my old Otterbox Defender cell phone cover, since the one she has is very flimsy.

#7 and #8:
I held the door open for someone at the gym today.  Twice.

I complimented someone today.

I let someone over in traffic.

#11:  I dropped off donations at the Goodwill truck

Complimented a friend on their outfit.

Held the door open for someone.

Left a treat for the waitress at Chilis

Sent a card to a friend

Left this on the arm of the chair I sat in at the movies

Left this in the mailbox for my mailman

Sent this card to a friend

Sent this card to a friend

Sent this card to a friend

Left this in the stall at the restroom at the movies

Sent this card to the friend of a friend battling cancer, who could use some smiles

I gave my mentee another charger that I had, that I can no longer use

I held the door open for someone

I let someone over in traffic on the freeway

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