This RAOK was a bit challenging...
I thought it would be easier...
Head to a hospital, find a volunteer, and done.
Hoag Hospital in Irvine, didnt have any volunteers today.
We headed to Saddleback Memorial Hospital.
The Womens Center did not have anyone at the desk, and the Volunteer Room was closed, and dark. We walked through the main hospital, no one. I was really bummed, and we were on our way out... and we saw a gentleman we had seen when we first walked in....
I stopped him and asked if he was a volunteer. Sure enough, he was. His name, is Gary.
This man was so sweet. He is older, and was telling us he volunteers in the Emergency Room and was going on hour NINE of volunteering. I gave him the goodie bag, and thanked him for what he does. His face lit up.
He thanked me, and said I made his day.
Really, Gary, YOU made MY day!
In the bag was a Thank You note for making a difference, a water tumbler and pin for Volunteers and a $25 Starbucks card.