Saturday, October 27, 2012

October 27th: Random Act of Kindness

This morning I gave out one of my goody / toiletries bags to a woman with a sign asking for basically anything... and then the car behind me gave her cash, and then the car behind them gave something as well.  I started a giving train :)

My actual RAOK today, was giving all the girls at my nail salon pink ribbon pins for breast cancer awareness month :)


  1. I love that you got in an extra Random act without any real intent of it being that way. <3!!

    1. I know!!! It was so awesome! Seriously though, the light was like a 6 minute light and I was RIGHT next to her, it was a little weird, lol But it was SO fun to watch everyone give, then give... they gave cash, which I wont ever do, but it was nice to see the chain reaction :)
