Friday, June 5, 2015

2,015 RAOKs in 2015: #824 - #933

#824 and #825:
Gummy Bears and Kit Kats at Sizzler

#826 and #827:
Made baskets for some friends visiting. 

#828 and #829:

Left a RAOK in Dana Point 

Left a RAOK for our waiter at Hacienda on the lake. 

Left a RAOK for our waiter at Promenade Cafe on the Queen Mary. 

#833 - 845:
Left dog toys at a dog park. 

Returned my shopping cart at Costco

Helped an older woman unload her heavy items into her trunk from her Costco cart

Donated a food bag at Albertsons

Returned my cart at Albertsons

Said bless you in Kohls to a stranger

Held the door open for a stranger

#852 - #933:
I brought in a bunch of snacks for the office