Towards the beginning of this year, I took my parents to see a movie called CAMP.
I heard about it from Orangewood Foundation, as one of the mentors through their program helped create this movie.
I went into this movie not sure what to expect. It was more of an Independent Film and was only showing in a few locations, and a few days / times at those locations.
I think I was FLOORED within the first 5 minutes of this movie.
I cried a lot during the movie, and I dont think there were many people in the theater that didnt.
I do my share working with foster youth through Orangewood Foundation and Orangewood Home... but I never, ever could have expected this movie. Ever.
After seeing the movie, I remember being at Orangewood Home, and seeing a little girl with her pajama top opened... and seeing a huge scar that went across the entire front of her chest and stomach and I literally got sick to my stomach and had to walk away for a minute. The first thing that crossed my mind, after seeing this movie, is that someone intentionally did that to her, and I literally felt my heart shatter inside of me.
My mentee just returned last weekend from a camp, much like the camp in this movie. She had such a great time, which made me so happy because she really didnt want to go. She told me how they sat around a campfire one night, and shared their stories... and learned how to cook, and did a polar swim (polar bear swim? FREEZING water) and got to swim an hour each day... and hiked... she couldnt stop talking about it. It made me so happy that there are programs like this for kids who have gone through more in their first 18 lives than most of combined will ever go through.
For this reason, I just pre-ordered my copy of CAMP...
Anything I can do to support something like this, I am happy to do.
If you are interested in this DVD: