Saturday, August 31, 2013

RAOK August 31: Volunteer

Well, its the end of my month long RAOK fun.
Im sort of sad to see it go.

Today, I volunteered at The American Red Cross Donor Center in Laguna Hills.

They had a give away to donors today...
And I really liked it.
So, I got one for myself.
I volunteer, Im GIVING :)
I may never wear it, but I like it.

Starting tomorrow, for the month of September, I am going to send a piece of mail out every day to someone.
If you haven't given me your address yet, message me :)

Friday, August 30, 2013

Thursday, August 29, 2013

RAOK August 29: No Kid Hungry!

Once again, due to lack of planning - I had no idea what RAOK I was going to do today.

I went to pick up a sandwich at Arbys for lunch....
And was asked if I wanted to donate $1 to No Kid Hungry!

Yes, Yes I do want to.  :)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

RAOK August 28: Knapsack Of Hope

I put together a Knapsack of Hope and mailed it off to my Adopt a Soldier, Keith.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

RAOK August 27: A Dollar Makes a Difference

My cousin posted this blog entry...
And really, when you think about it...
What if everyone just sent ONE DOLLAR.
A Dollar Makes a Difference.

I am mailing a dollar, to this woman, so she is one dollar closer to bringing her baby home.

See the blog, below:  

Monday, August 26, 2013

RAOK August 26: Teacher Appreciation

I was given the name of a great teacher...
So I purchased a $15 gift card at Lakeshore...
And a card....
And I sent them anonymously to this teacher :)

RAOK Thank You

There was a note left in my parents mail box the other day...

From the RAOK of kindness I did for their mailman.

I love this stuff!!!
While I prefer the anonymous ones, its also nice to see I made someone smile.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

RAOK August 25: Starbucks Gift Card

Im out of planned Random Acts of Kindness, for the most part.
I have a couple more planned, but do not have what I need for them yet.

Today, I stopped at Target, got some tea at Starbucks, and purchased a $10 gift card.

I came home, put it in an envelope and left it on a neighbors door.

I planned to leave it on the girls door two stories below me...
Then thought maybe the guy below me...
Then I decided I couldnt do my stairs one more time today, and left it on my across the way neighbors door :)
I mean, he did help us carry a piece of furniture up the last 7 stairs when I was moving in - ha ha.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

RAOK August 24: Doggie Adoptions

I looked up a place near me that did pet adoptions.

There was an event at Pet Supply today, with doggie adoptions.

I dropped off a big bag of old towels and new dog toys :)

Friday, August 23, 2013

RAOK August 23: Tapas And Beer (And Wine)

Todays RAOK almost didnt happen...
Planned to do it at dinner...
Wasnt really the place to do so...
Tried to go have a drink at a bar near my house...
It was too crowded...

Ended up at Tapas and Beer...
With a really nice bartender...
So I paid, left a normal tip...

Then left a $20 cash tip as my RAOK for the day.

Random Acts of Kindness.

I would like to think Ive always done things for others... expecting nothing in return.
Once I learned about Random Acts of Kindness, I couldnt WAIT to start doing them.
I prefer to do anonymous ones, because when someone may know I am doing them, I get REALLY nervous.
(Which Im sure makes me look really suspicious)

This month, I sort of changed my Random Acts of Kindness, and I made them more personal.  I asked friends to give me names of someone that could use a smile.  It turns out, I have a lot of friends, who have friends with Cancer.  I hate Cancer.  I have to much Cancer in my family and friends, and I seriously hate it.

Since this month, I made my Random Acts of Kindness mostly still anonymous, I mailed the packages from:
Random Act of Kindness
Irvine, CA  92620

Some of my friends sent me pictures of their friends Facebook posts when they received them.
It seriously was amazing to see - that doing something so simple - made someone I dont even know so happy.
The people you referred to me, are lucky to have you as friends, and so am I!

Thursday, August 22, 2013

ROAK August 22: Happy Birthday!

Today, a special delivery will be made to my cousin, in Virginia who is turning 5!

So... Happy Birthday to TK!

Enjoy your yummy treats!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

RAOK August 21: CAMP (DVD Pre-Order)

Towards the beginning of this year, I took my parents to see a movie called CAMP.
I heard about it from Orangewood Foundation, as one of the mentors through their program helped create this movie.
I went into this movie not sure what to expect.  It was more of an Independent Film and was only showing in a few locations, and a few days / times at those locations.

I think I was FLOORED within the first 5 minutes of this movie.
I cried a lot during the movie, and I dont think there were many people in the theater that didnt.

I do my share working with foster youth through Orangewood Foundation and Orangewood Home... but I never, ever could have expected this movie.  Ever.

After seeing the movie, I remember being at Orangewood Home, and seeing a little girl with her pajama top opened... and seeing a huge scar that went across the entire front of her chest and stomach and I literally got sick to my stomach and had to walk away for a minute.  The first thing that crossed my mind, after seeing this movie, is that someone intentionally did that to her, and I literally felt my heart shatter inside of me.  

My mentee just returned last weekend from a camp, much like the camp in this movie.  She had such a great time, which made me so happy because she really didnt want to go.  She told me how they sat around a campfire one night, and shared their stories... and learned how to cook, and did a polar swim (polar bear swim?  FREEZING water) and got to swim an hour each day... and hiked... she couldnt stop talking about it.  It made me so happy that there are programs like this for kids who have gone through more in their first 18 lives than most of combined will ever go through.

For this reason, I just pre-ordered my copy of CAMP...
Anything I can do to support something like this, I am happy to do.

If you are interested in this DVD:

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

RAOK August 20: Breast Cancer Survivor

My original plan was to donate this...
I wanted to donate it to a support group of young breast cancer survivors that meet in Mission Viejo.... I also thought about donating it to a yoga studio that has a cancer survivors yoga session.... hoping they could raffle it off to an attendee... However I couldnt get in touch with anyone at either place, to contact me back.

I am sending this to a friend of a friend....
I hope it puts a smile on her face.

Monday, August 19, 2013

RAOK August 19: Fruit!

Stopped on my way into the office and picked up some fruit to leave in the kitchen for everyone :)

Sunday, August 18, 2013

RAOK August 18: Go ANGELS!

So, this is a bit different....
Today, I am doing a RAOK for myself.
I have never had anyone return my RAOK note, with another RAOK  :)
My friend Delane, that I sent the Breast Cancer Bracelets, did just that.  She sent me 4 tickets and parking to the Angels game today.
I had plans with my mentee, so I am taking her, her sister and their Orangewood caseworker to the game!
(Their foster mom told me they have NEVER been to a baseball game together, if at all)  I am SO excited to be able to do this for them!!!

I am hoping for a win! 
GO ANGELS, and Thanks Delane!

RAOK August 17: I "O-FISH-ALLY" Hope You Have a Great Day!

Went shopping with my mom, and decided to leave a bag of Swedish Fish in the dressing room I used with a note that says:
I "O-FISH-ALLY" Hope You Have a Great Day!

I wonder who found it :)

Friday, August 16, 2013

RAOK August 16: Battling Cervical Cancer

One thing I have learned from asking people if they know anyone who could use a RAOK or a smile, and from thinking about people in my own life.... THERE IS TOO MUCH CANCER!

I knew my friend Laurens best friend was battling Cervical Cancer, and I asked if she thought she would enjoy a RAOK.

So, today I am sending this out to Katie.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

RAOK August 15: I Need S'more Friends Like You

I cant remember where I saw this, but I cant imagine it was anywhere other than Pinterest :)

I went with jarred marshmallow, since not everyone has a bonfire easily accessible to them.

I tested it out myself at home, of course, and it was delicious!

I will give this to a friend later today.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

RAOK August 14: KinderCare

Today, on my lunch break I am going to stop by a KinderCare near my work and drop off this little basket of goodies:

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

RAOK August 13: Living with Ovarian Cancer

Todays RAOK is being mailed out to someone my Dad recommended.  She is living with Ovarian Cancer.
He told me last week her son had a lemonade sale to raise money for Cancer.

I hope this book gives her some comfort, and the bracelet is the color for Ovarian Cancer, and says "Unite to Fight"

Monday, August 12, 2013

RAOK August 12: For Our Mailman...

Just a few snacks and a bottle of water for my parents mailman.

He mentioned to my mom the last time I did this, it really made his day... so hopefully it will again!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

RAOK August 11: Thank You Firefighters!

Of all the times I see firetrucks in the parking lot when I am shopping... and firemen outside of their stations... None were to be found today!

I asked my friend Melissa to drive past the fire station by my house, twice.  They were all outside yesterday, this should have been easy.  NOPE!

We went by another fire station after a few errands, and nope, no one was outside there either.
I said, QUICK, pull up there, I need to just do this.

I jumped out of the car, rang the doorbell and waited.
A fireman answered, and I said, "I just wanted to drop off this little basket to say Thank You for what you do"
He just stared at me, I think he was shocked.
I said, "Have a great day" and walked away as he said Thanks.

Im always anxious when I have to do face to face RAOKs....
But, seriously, they risk their lives for us every single day...
Its the least I could do.

Inside the basket is everything FIRE related I could find :)
(And a Chicken Soup for the Soul of America)

Friday, August 9, 2013

RAOK August 10: Living with Cerebral Palsy

When I asked for people to send me the addresses of people they thought could use a RAOK...
My cousin sent me the address of a little boy 5 or 6 years old, with cerebral palsy.

I put together a little package of coloring books, simple toys and a stuffed animal, and am mailing it out to him, anonymously.

I hope he enjoys it!

RAOK August 9: I "O-FISH-ALLY" Hope you have a GREAT day!

Swedish Fish...
Little note....
Left one on a coworkers desk and will leave one in my PT Office later when I go.  :)

Thursday, August 8, 2013

RAOK August 8: Have an EXTRA great day!

I left the house today, and realized OH NO - I didnt bring any RAOK with me....

Then I realized I had one in my desk from the other day.

I went upstairs and left these on two peoples desks:

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

RAOK August 6: Smile!

Today, flowers will deliver to a friend of a friend...
Who could use a smile.

I sent them anonymously, with a little note:

Monday, August 5, 2013

ROAK August 5: Breast Cancer Survivor

I have a friend who is a Breast Cancer Survivor...

I found these bracelets in Chicago, and thought of her.
One says "Find a Cure" and one says "Celebrate - Survivor"

I put them in the mail to her today :)

Sunday, August 4, 2013

RAOK August 4: Pool Toys!

I found this idea on Pinterest...
And thought it would be great for my parents backyard...

The bin took me a few tries, but I finally found exactly what I wanted... and I ordered the letters on Etsy - they are weatherproof for outside...


Saturday, August 3, 2013

RAOK August 3: Battling Brain Cancer

When I asked people if they who knew of someone that could use cheering up, or a Random Act of Kindness...
One of the responses I got was from my friend Jen (AKA Shoes).
She has a friend battling Brain Cancer.

Today, I shipped an anonymous package to her.
Its a gray ribbon bracelet where proceeds of my purchase went towards curing brain cancer, and a Chicken Soup for the Soul book.

I was bummed I had to put a city on the return address, the post office is so picky...  :)

Friday, August 2, 2013

RAOK August 2: Welcome To Your New Home

This is one of those RAOK's that made me nervous.
I hate being sneaky!
I left my house for work this morning at 5:45am...
Walked over to the apartment a couple down from me, where someone just moved in two weekends ago.
Their setup has a gate leading to their front porch then door.
I leaned over the gate... it made a huge noise, and then my alarm for normal days of work started going off... full blast of course.
I dropped the RAOK bag inside their gate, and ran  :)

I put together just a small little bag of things, welcoming them to their new home.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

RAOK August 1: Adopt a Soldier

August 1st:

I joined the "Adopt a Soldier" program, and was assigned a soldier in Afghanistan.

Today, I wrote a letter saying thanks, and asking what sort of items they would like to receive in a care package.

If you are interested in adopting a soldier, here is the link:

It took a few days for me to hear back, and get approved and receive my soldiers information.